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Report on the Fulfilment of the Unified Contract’s Term

HSE University’s faculty members are expected to be engaged in the three following types of work: teaching, research (or any substitutes thereof) and organizational/administrative work, each of which forms an integral part of their academic activities.

Teaching includes in-class and out-of-class interactions with students, as well as the teaching and learning support activities.

Research shall be performed by faculty members depending on their chosen professional trajectory and will be reflected in outcomes, which can be differentiated depending on said trajectory. Thus, the research work of faculty members engaged in an academic professional trajectory includes basic and applied research with outcomes provided in the form of scientific publications. The research work of faculty members engaged in a teaching and methodological trajectory, in turn, can be replaced with the teaching and methodological pursuits with outcomes which, among other things, may include recorded online courses and online lectures on educational platforms, publications of textbooks and teaching aids, proprietary teaching materials used beyond the scope of their own discipline, control and measurement materials, casebooks, exercises, and tests used beyond the scope of their own discipline, development, methodological and technical support for successful online courses and online programmes.

Research activities carried out by faculty members pursuing the practice-oriented professional trajectory can be replaced with practice-oriented work with outcomes, which, among other things, may include registered patents and intellectual property rights (bearing in mind the patents for inventions, patents (certificates) for useful models, patents for industrial designs, selection patents, certificates for software programs, databases, and/or topologies of integrated circuits, registered in the prescribed manner), any consulting agreements with external non-academic organizations or individuals, confirmed regular participation in HSE University’s applied projects that are funded by external sources, with non-academic organizations, and/or other project activities confirmed by documentary evidence.

Organizational/administrative work is comprised of participating in the work of HSE University’s collegiate governing bodies and fulfilling organizational duties related to the University’s ongoing activities, improving the conditions for such activities, maintaining and boosting the University’s reputation, as well as other useful activities carried out in the interests of HSE University. In addition to the work directly related to HSE University’s operations, organizational work may include participation in external collegiate bodies related to the University’s institutional representation and carried out on behalf of its administration and subdivision heads, expert, analytical and educational activities carried out in the University’s interests, as well as other useful activities in the University’s interests completed on a free-of-charge basis.

In addition to the respective package of competition documents, all HSE University’s faculty members involved in the competitive selection process (with the exception of faculty members hired less than three months before the competitive selection announcement; researchers from among professors and associate professors, as well as specialists hired via international recruitment procedures; faculty members on maternity leave, parental or childcare leave, or those who returned from their maternity leave less than three months prior; faculty members of the Military Training Center) shall submit an electronic report on the execution of the terms of their unified contracts for the 2024-2025 academic year after an assessment is made by their subdivision head. The report shall be automatically uploaded to the competition form upon the completion of the assessment.

Please be ready to provide the following information in your report:

  • With respect to teaching work: your teaching load in the ongoing academic year and reasons for reducing/absence of teaching load, if any; please also mention if you have been awarded the title of the Best Teacher for the reporting academic year;
  • With respect to researchwork or substitutes thereof, depending on your chosen professional trajectory: a list of publications for the last three years as they have been published on your personal page on the HSE University corporate website (portal); your academic bonuses, if any, with the respective level indicated; the score of your current Research Productivity Assessment (RPA); or a list of other achievements, if you have chosen the teaching and methodological or practice-oriented professional trajectory;
  • With respect to organizational/administrativework in the reporting academic year, if any: engaging in the organizational functions related to the University’s ongoing activities, improving the conditions for such activities, maintaining and boosting the University’s reputation, as well as other useful activities carried out in the interests of HSE University (specify the type of work and relevant subdivision, as well as the period of work (if you are engaged in such work on a permanent basis, you can mention it in the report), your role (leader, organizer, team member, or other – please specify); taking part in the work of collegiate governing bodies during the reporting academic year, if any (name of the collegiate body, subdivision, period of work, and your role).

To fill in the report on the implementation of your unified contract, please go to the webpage. The report form will be available as soon as you sign in the MyHSE Services Account.

Technical Support Unit: pps@hse.ru